YellowEdit 1.0.0 is ⌐1998 Rocco Moliterno. It can be freely distributed without my previous permission, without any changes and with its documentation from: online services, BBS, non-profit user groups, people.
YellowEdit 1.0.0 also can be included, without my previous permission, without changes and with its documentation, in all CD-ROM or disk shareware collections and in all CD-ROM or Disk magazines (anyway an e-mail or a notice will be welcome, as well as a copy of the magazine or media :-).
YellowEdit 1.0.0 may not be included in a commercial package without my permission.
YellowView 2.0.0 is ⌐1995-98 Rocco Moliterno. Compiled YellowView applications can be freely distributed.